CentOS上安装软件最简单的当然是yum安装,我们可爱的libev好像现在还没有,那我们只能通过源码安装了。地址: http://dist.schmorp.de/libev/libev-4.15.tar.gz
1 wget http://dist.schmorp.de/libev/libev-4.15.tar.gz2 tar -zxf libev-4.15.tar.gz3 cd libev-4.154 ./configure5 make6 make install
1 Libraries have been installed in: 2 /usr/local/lib 3 4 If you ever happen to want to link against installed libraries 5 in a given directory, LIBDIR, you must either use libtool, and 6 specify the full pathname of the library, or use the `-LLIBDIR' 7 flag during linking and do at least one of the following: 8 - add LIBDIR to the `LD_LIBRARY_PATH' environment variable 9 during execution10 - add LIBDIR to the `LD_RUN_PATH' environment variable11 during linking12 - use the `-Wl,-rpath -Wl,LIBDIR' linker flag13 - have your system administrator add LIBDIR to `/etc/ld.so.conf'14 15 See any operating system documentation about shared libraries for16 more information, such as the ld(1) and ld.so(8) manual pages.17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------18 /bin/mkdir -p '/usr/local/include'19 /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ev.h ev++.h event.h '/usr/local/include'20 /bin/mkdir -p '/usr/local/share/man/man3'21 /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ev.3 '/usr/local/share/man/man3'
#include#include //ev库头文件//定义一个ev_TYPE 的结构体ev_io stdin_watcher;//定义一个stdin的观测者ev_timer timeout_watcher;//所有的watcher的回调函数都有相似的特点//当stdin有可读的数据时,将会调用下面这个回调函数static void stdin_cb(EV_P_ ev_io *w,int revents){ puts("stdin ready"); //每一次时间都必须用对应的停止函数,手动的停止其watcher ev_io_stop(EV_A_ w); //这将导致所有嵌套执行的ev_run停止监听 ev_break(EV_A_ EVBREAK_ALL);}//这是一个回调函数,用于定时器回调static void timeout_cb(EV_P_ ev_timer *w,int revents){ puts("timeout"); //这将导致最早运行的ev_run停止监听 ev_break(EV_A_ EVBREAK_ONE);}int main(int argc,char **args){ //使用一般默认的事件循环 struct ev_loop *loop = EV_DEFAULT; //初始化一个I/O watcher,然后启动它 ev_io_init(&stdin_watcher,stdin_cb,0,EV_READ); ev_io_start(loop,&stdin_watcher); //初始化一个定时器watcher,然后启动它,只有一次,没有重复的5.5秒定时 ev_timer_init(&timeout_watcher,timeout_cb,5.5,0); ev_timer_start(loop,&timeout_watcher); //这里等待时间出发 ev_run(loop,0); //撤销监听退出程序 return 0;}
编译 gcc server.c -lev -o server 就这样是可以编译通过的,但是执行就说找不到一个libev的库。看了一下上面的安装信息,才知道要设置一下环境变量。然后才可以运行。(/etc/profile或~/.bashrc)
1 export LIBDIR=/usr/local/lib2 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib3 export LD_RUN_PATH=/usr/local/lib
用gcc -E选项编译后的源代码
1 ev_io stdin_watcher; 2 ev_timer timeout_watcher; 3 4 5 6 7 static void stdin_cb(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_io *w,int revents) 8 { 9 puts("stdin ready");10 11 12 ev_io_stop(loop, w);13 14 ev_break(loop, EVBREAK_ALL);15 }16 17 18 static void timeout_cb(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_timer *w,int revents)19 {20 puts("timeout");21 22 ev_break(loop, EVBREAK_ONE);23 }24 25 int main(int argc,char **args)26 {27 28 struct ev_loop *loop = ev_default_loop (0);29 30 31 do { do { ((ev_watcher *)(void *)((&stdin_watcher)))->active = ((ev_watcher *)(void *)((&stdin_watcher)))->pending = 0; ( (ev_watcher *)(void *)(((&stdin_watcher))))->priority = (0); (((&stdin_watcher)))->cb = ((stdin_cb)); } while (0); do { ((&stdin_watcher))->fd = ((0)); ((&stdin_watcher))->events = ((EV_READ)) | EV__IOFDSET; } while (0); } while (0);32 ev_io_start(loop,&stdin_watcher);33 34 35 do { do { ((ev_watcher *)(void *)((&timeout_watcher)))->active = ((ev_watcher *)(void *)((&timeout_watcher)))->pending = 0; ( (ev_watcher *)(void *)(((&timeout_watcher))))->priority = (0); (((&timeout_watcher)))->cb = ((timeout_cb)); } while (0); do { ((ev_watcher_time *)((&timeout_watcher)))->at = ((5.5)); ((&timeout_watcher))->repeat = ((0)); } while (0); } while (0);36 ev_timer_start(loop,&timeout_watcher);37 38 39 ev_run(loop,0);40 41 42 return 0;43 }
1 do { 2 do { 3 ((ev_watcher *)(void *)((&stdin_watcher)))->active = ((ev_watcher *)(void *)((&stdin_watcher)))->pending = 0; 4 ( (ev_watcher *)(void *)(((&stdin_watcher))))->priority = (0); 5 (((&stdin_watcher)))->cb = ((stdin_cb)); 6 } while (0); 7 do { 8 ((&stdin_watcher))->fd = ((0)); 9 ((&stdin_watcher))->events = ((EV_READ)) | EV__IOFDSET;10 } while (0);11 } while (0);12 ev_io_start(loop,&stdin_watcher);
Libev通过一个struct ev_loop结构表示一个事件驱动的框架。在这个框架里面通过ev_xxx结构,ev_init、ev_xxx_set、ev_xxx_start接口箱这个事件驱动的框架里面注册事件监控器,当相应的事件监控器的事件出现时,便会触发该事件监控器的处理逻辑,去处理该事件。处理完之后,这些监控器进入到下一轮的监控中。符合一个标准的事件驱动状态的模型。
Libev 除了提供了基本的三大类事件(IO事件、定时器事件、信号事件)外还提供了周期事件、子进程事件、文件状态改变事件等多个事件,这里我们用三大基本事件写一个例子。
1 #include2 #include 3 #include 4 #include 5 #include 6 7 8 void io_action(struct ev_loop *main_loop,ev_io *io_w,int e) 9 {10 int rst;11 char buf[1024];12 memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf));13 puts("In IO action");14 read(STDIN_FILENO,buf,sizeof(buf));15 buf[1023]='\0';16 printf("String: %s\n",buf);17 ev_io_stop(main_loop,io_w);18 }19 20 void timer_action(struct ev_loop *main_loop,ev_timer *time_w,int e)21 {22 puts("In Time action");23 ev_timer_stop(main_loop,time_w);24 }25 26 void signal_action(struct ev_loop *main_loop,ev_signal *signal_w,int e)27 {28 puts("In Signal action");29 ev_signal_stop(main_loop,signal_w);30 ev_break(main_loop,EVBREAK_ALL);31 }32 33 int main(int argc,char **argv)34 {35 ev_io io_w;36 ev_timer timer_w;37 ev_signal signal_w;38 struct ev_loop *main_loop = ev_default_loop(0);39 40 ev_init(&io_w,io_action);41 ev_io_set(&io_w,STDIN_FILENO,EV_READ);42 43 ev_init(&timer_w,timer_action);44 ev_timer_set(&timer_w,2,0);45 46 ev_init(&signal_w,signal_action);47 ev_signal_set(&signal_w,SIGINT);48 49 ev_io_start(main_loop,&io_w);50 ev_timer_start(main_loop,&timer_w);51 ev_signal_start(main_loop,&signal_w);52 53 ev_run(main_loop,0);54 return 0;55 }
void ev_run (EV_P_ int flags);
void ev_break (EV_P_ int how);
第38行创建一个struct ev_loop *结构体,上面我们给出 ev_default_loop(0) 进行创建。使用libev的核心是事件循环,可以用 ev_default_loop 或 ev_loop_new 函数创建循环,或者直接使用 EV_DEFAULT 宏,区别是 ev_default_loop 创建的事件循环不是线程安全的,而 ev_loop_new 创建的事件循环不能捕捉信号和子进程的观察器。大多数情况下,可以像下面这样使用:
if (!ev_default_loop (0)) fatal ("could not initialise libev, bad $LIBEV_FLAGS in environment?");//或者明确选择一个后端:struct ev_loop *epoller = ev_loop_new (EVBACKEND_EPOLL | EVFLAG_NOENV);if (!epoller) fatal ("no epoll found here, maybe it hides under your chair");//如果需要动态分配循环的话,建议使用 ev_loop_new 和 ev_loop_destroy 。
在创建子进程后,且想要使用事件循环时,需要先在子进程中调用 ev_default_fork 或 ev_loop_fork 来重新初始化后端的内核状态,它们分别对应 ev_default_loop 和 ev_loop_new 来使用。
ev_run 启动事件循环。它的第二个参数为0时,将持续运行并处理循环直到没有活动的事件观察器或者调用了 ev_break 。另外两个取值是 EVRUN_NOWAIT 和 EVRUN_ONCE 。
ev_break 跳出事件循环(在全部已发生的事件处理完之后)。第二个参数为 EVBREAK_ONE 或 EVBREAK_ALL 来指定跳出最内层的 ev_run 或者全部嵌套的 ev_run 。
ev_suspend 和 ev_resume 用来暂停和重启事件循环,比如在程序挂起的时候。
接下来创建观察器,它主要包括类型、触发条件和回调函数。将它注册到事件循环上,在满足注册的条件时,会触发观察器,调用它的回调函数。上面的例子中已经包含了IO观察器和计时观察器、信号观察器,此外还有周期观察器、文件状态观察器等等。初始化和设置观察器使用 ev_init 和 ev_TYPE_set ,也可以直接使用 ev_TYPE_init 。在特定事件循环上启动观察器使用 ev_TYPE_start 。 ev_TYPE_stop 停止观察器,并且会释放内存。libev中将观察器分为4种状态:初始化、启动/活动、等待、停止。libev中的观察器还支持优先级。
ev_io 获取标准输入
1 static void stdin_readable_cb (struct ev_loop *loop, ev_io *w, int revents)2 {3 ev_io_stop (loop, w);4 //.. read from stdin here (or from w->fd) and handle any I/O errors5 }6 7 ev_io stdin_readable;8 ev_io_init (&stdin_readable, stdin_readable_cb, STDIN_FILENO, EV_READ);9 ev_io_start (loop, &stdin_readable);
ev_timer 创建一个 ?? 秒之后启动的计时器
1 static void one_minute_cb (struct ev_loop *loop, ev_timer *w, int revents)2 {3 //创建一个60秒的计时器4 //.. one minute over, w is actually stopped right here5 }6 7 ev_timer mytimer;8 ev_timer_init (&mytimer, one_minute_cb, 60., 0.);9 ev_timer_start (loop, &mytimer);
1 static void timeout_cb (struct ev_loop *loop, ev_timer *w, int revents) 2 { 3 //.. ten seconds without any activity 4 } 5 6 ev_timer mytimer; 7 ev_timer_init (&mytimer, timeout_cb, 0., 10.); /* note, only repeat used */ 8 ev_timer_again (&mytimer); /* start timer */ 9 ev_run (loop, 0);10 11 // and in some piece of code that gets executed on any "activity":12 // reset the timeout to start ticking again at 10 seconds13 ev_timer_again (&mytimer);
ev_periodic 创建一个小时为单位的周期定时器
1 static void clock_cb (struct ev_loop *loop, ev_periodic *w, int revents)2 {3 // ... its now a full hour (UTC, or TAI or whatever your clock follows)4 }5 6 ev_periodic hourly_tick;7 ev_periodic_init (&hourly_tick, clock_cb, 0., 3600., 0);8 ev_periodic_start (loop, &hourly_tick);
1 #include2 3 static ev_tstamp my_scheduler_cb (ev_periodic *w, ev_tstamp now)4 {5 return now + (3600. - fmod (now, 3600.));6 }7 8 ev_periodic_init (&hourly_tick, clock_cb, 0., 0., my_scheduler_cb);
1 ev_periodic hourly_tick;2 ev_periodic_init (&hourly_tick, clock_cb, fmod (ev_now (loop), 3600.), 3600., 0);3 ev_periodic_start (loop, &hourly_tick);
ev_signal 在收到 SIGINT 时做些清理
1 static void sigint_cb (struct ev_loop *loop, ev_signal *w, int revents)2 {3 ev_break (loop, EVBREAK_ALL);4 }5 6 ev_signal signal_watcher;7 ev_signal_init (&signal_watcher, sigint_cb, SIGINT);8 ev_signal_start (loop, &signal_watcher);
ev_child fork 一个新进程,给它安装一个child处理器等待进程结束
1 ev_child cw; 2 3 static void 4 child_cb (EV_P_ ev_child *w, int revents) 5 { 6 ev_child_stop (EV_A_ w); 7 printf ("process %d exited with status %x\n", w->rpid, w->rstatus); 8 } 9 10 pid_t pid = fork ();11 12 if (pid < 0)13 // error14 else if (pid == 0)15 {16 // the forked child executes here17 exit (1);18 }19 else20 {21 ev_child_init (&cw, child_cb, pid, 0);22 ev_child_start (EV_DEFAULT_ &cw);23 }
ev_stat 文件状态观察器
1 static void passwd_cb (struct ev_loop *loop, ev_stat *w, int revents) 2 { 3 /* /etc/passwd changed in some way */ 4 if (w->attr.st_nlink) 5 { 6 printf ("passwd current size %ld\n", (long)w->attr.st_size); 7 printf ("passwd current atime %ld\n", (long)w->attr.st_mtime); 8 printf ("passwd current mtime %ld\n", (long)w->attr.st_mtime); 9 }10 else11 /* you shalt not abuse printf for puts */12 puts ("wow, /etc/passwd is not there, expect problems. if this is windows, they already arrived\n");13 }14 15 ...16 ev_stat passwd;17 18 ev_stat_init (&passwd, passwd_cb, "/etc/passwd", 0.);19 ev_stat_start (loop, &passwd);